
Filtrexx® Temporary Seeding

Filtrexx® Temporary Seeding is a temporary vegetation and erosion control practice used on hill slopes to stabilize disturbed soils on and around construction activities.

Temporary seeding is generally used for rapid vegetation establishment for soil stabilization where soils may be re-disturbed or where erosion control blanket practices are unnecessary.

Filtrexx® Temporary Seeding is a ½ in to ¾ in (12-20mm) layer, or 70 to 100 cubic yards/acre (135-193 cubic m/ha) application, of Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™ mixed with specified seed and applied to hill slopes with a pneumatic blower truck or similar equipment.

Filtrexx® Temporary Seeding is recommended for the following applications:

  • Disturbed soils that will undergo future disturbance
  • Cut and fill slopes under construction
  • Soil storage areas and stockpiles
  • Permanent vegetation establishment that requires a nurse crop
  • Stabilization of temporary runoff diversion devices, dikes, and sediment containment systems
  • Curbside buffers on residential construction lots prior to vertical construction or final phase.