
Filtrexx® Channel Mattress October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Channel Mattress

Filtrexx® Channel Mattress is a flexible, soft armoring system designed to stabilize and prevent erosion of channel beds and banks used for storm water conveyance and concentrated flow situations.

Filtrexx® Channel Mattress technology provides structural protection, erosion control, vegetation growth, and vegetation reinforcement in one simple system.

The Filtrexx® Channel Mattress weight and anchoring system is specifically designed to withstand maximum storm runoff velocities and hydraulic shear stresses.

The vegetated Filtrexx® Channel Mattress system is specifically designed to reinforce vegetation against intense hydraulic pressure.

Filtrexx® Channel Mattress provides maximum:

  • Structural stability of the channel
  • Reduction of bed and bank erosion
  • Protection from scour erosion
  • Reduction of storm water velocity
  • Dissipation of storm water energy
  • Pollutant removal.

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Filtrexx® Level Spreader October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Level Spreader

Filtrexx® Level Spreader is a tubular device used to convert concentrated water flow into sheet flow prior to discharge into stabilized vegetated areas. Filtrexx® Level Spreader can be custom seeded at the time of installation to allow vegetation growth throughout the device to increase stability, water filtration, and wildlife habitat.

Filtrexx® Level Spreader is typically installed at the outlet of a storm culvert, discharge pipe, runoff diversion structure, conveyance channel/ditch, or sediment control structure. Filtrexx® Level Spreader is designed to accept concentrated flows originating from these areas and convert it into sheet flow through dispersion over a level gradient and across a wider area. This process dissipates the energy and slows the velocity of storm flow, thereby reducing erosion and increasing infiltration.

If properly designed, installed, and maintained this will decrease storm water discharge volumes, peak flow rate, velocity and pollutant loads.

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Filtrexx® Rip Rap Grout October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Rip Rap Grout

Filtrexx® Rip Rap Grout is a seeded organic growing media used to establish permanent vegetation within the interstitial void spaces of rip rap armoring systems. Filtrexx® Rip Rap Grout utilizes only Filtrexx GrowingMedia™.

There are many benefits to vegetating rip rap systems; the advantages to using Filtrexx® Rip Rap Grout include:

  • Vegetated rip rap, and similar hard armoring systems, will mimic soft armoring systems
  • Increased wildlife habitat, increased landscape aesthetics, enhanced ecosystem function and restoration
  • Increased sediment and soluble pollutant removal from storm water
  • Reduced storm water runoff volume and peak flow rates
  • Increased stability and erosion control capability
  • Absorption of ground water seeps and subsurface flows.

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Filtrexx® Green Roof October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Green Roof

Filtrexx® Green Roofs are multi-functional roofing systems designed to mitigate the impact of urban development by managing storm water, reducing building heat absorption, and creating valued green space.

Filtrexx® Green Roof systems are available for extensive and intensive green roof projects.

Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™ may be utilized as an important component of the green roof soil media.

Filtrexx® Green Roof systems may be used as: 1) only the growing media component of the green roof system; or, 2) the growing media component + containment system using Filtrexx Soxx™.

Filtrexx® Green Roofs can be used for a variety of objectives, including:

  • Storm water runoff and pollutant reduction
  • Thermal buffering of the building envelope to conserve energy in cooling and heating
  • Creation of urban wildlife habitat
  • Creation of human recreational green space
  • Rooftop gardening
  • Air pollution mitigation
  • Urban heat island mitigation.

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Filtrexx® Rain Garden October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Rain Garden


Filtrexx® Rain Garden is a Low Impact Development (LID) management practice that combines native soil, compost, plants, and beneficial microorganisms to filter, retain, and infiltrate storm water runoff from developed sites.

Filtrexx® Rain Gardens are designed to decentralize and distribute site storm water to reduce off-site storm water volume, peak flow rate, and pollutant discharges. Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™ is an important component of a successful Filtrexx® Rain Garden installation, while Filtrexx® Treatment Train technology can be used to target specific storm water pollutants, such harmful bacteria, nutrients, heavy metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons.

Filtrexx® Rain Garden can be installed on virtually any site utilizing a variety of design goals.

Filtrexx® Rain Gardens are recommended where:

  • Post-development hydrology must mimic the pre-developed or natural site condition
  • LID, Green Infrastructure, or Green Building practices are preferred or required
  • Reduction of site runoff volume, peak flow rate, and/or pollutant load discharges is desired or required
  • On-site treatment of storm water in desired or required
  • Aesthetic, land-based storm water treatment is desired
  • Storm water treatment must use natural design elements, protect or restore  wildlife habitat, or restore ecosystem services
  • Land improvement, function, and real estate value are important
  • Reduced ecological footprint is desired, including use of materials that are: recycled, biobased, locally manufactured, indigenous, and carbon neutral.


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Filtrexx® GroSoxx Gabion October 5, 2014

GroSoxx® Gabion

GroSoxx® Gabion is a structural vegetated armoring technology used to stabilize and prevent erosion of waterway and shoreline banks.  GroSoxx® Gabions combine the benefits of soft and hard armor technologies to provide maximum structural protection, erosion control, vegetation growth, and vegetation reinforcement in one system.

GroSoxx® Gabions are specifically designed for applications where water flow and intense hydraulic pressures typically undermine vegetation growth. GroSoxx® Gabions combine heavy duty tubular mesh netting material, used to contain and stabilize custom growing media and vegetation placed within the gabion basket, and drip tape irrigation (optional) to ensure establishment and sustainability of seeded and/or live stake plantings. The weight and anchoring system is designed to withstand concentrated water flow velocities and hydraulic shear stresses similar to traditional soft armoring devices (brush mattresses, coconut fiber logs, turf reinforcement mats) and hard armoring devices (rip rap, rock gabion baskets).

Recommended applications for GroSoxx® Gabions include:

  • Biotechnical engineering
  • Creek, stream, canal and riparian bank stabilization
  • Pond and lake shoreline stabilization
  • Sediment and storm water retention/detention pond slope stabilization
  • Salt marsh restoration, habitat and ecological restoration, and aesthetic revitalization
  • Biofiltration of landscape and watershed runoff flowing into stabilized area
  • LID, Green Infrastructure, and Green Building practices are preferred or required

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Bioswale October 5, 2014


Filtrexx® Bioswale is a permanent, vegetated, shallow landscape depression or channel used to convey, slow, and filter storm water.  Filtrexx® Bioswale combines infiltration, biofiltration, and flow velocity control mechanisms to reduce storm water pollutant loading and flow surges to receiving waters, infiltration areas, and containment systems.

This Low Impact Development (LID) management practice combines the benefits of organic matter, vegetation, and proprietary additives (optional) to physically and chemically (ionic adsorption) filter storm water pollutants.

Filtrexx® Treatment Train™ technologies can be easily incorporated to target specific pollutants in contaminated storm water flows.

Filtrexx® Bioswale is to be designed as a permanent feature of the landscape.

Recommended applications include:

  • Replacement of curb and gutters along parking lots
  • Replacement of conveyance ditches along roadways
  • Pollutant removal and conveyance of storm water from impervious surfaces, such as roadways, parking lots, and rooftops
  • Post-treatment for detention pond discharge or emergency storm overflow
  • Pretreatment for permanent storm water collection ponds and containment systems
  • Sediment and soluble pollution filtration from contaminated effluent
  • Storm water peak flow and velocity reduction
  • Storm water volume reduction
  • Low Impact Development (LID), Green Infrastructure, or Green Building practices are preferred or required
  • Landscape aesthetic enhancement, wildlife habitat, land improvement, and ecological restoration projects,
  • Urban and suburban green space expansion or improvement.

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Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strip October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strip

Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strip is a temporary or permanent vegetative filtration practice used to reduce site storm water runoff sediment and soluble pollutants, such as nutrients, heavy metals, bacteria, and petroleum hydrocarbons, from leaving a site and entering conveyance systems or receiving waters.

Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strips are generally used for post-construction applications where permanent vegetation is designed to increase storm water infiltration and pollutant filtration.

Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strips are of a specified width and utilize a 1 to 2 in (25-50mm) layer (135 to 270 cubic yards/acre, 257 to 513 cubic meters/ha) of Filtrexx® Growing Media™ blended with a specified seed mix and are applied with a pneumatic blower or similar equipment.

Areas where Filtrexx® Vegetated Filter Strips are used include:

  • Highway, street, and parking lot runoff
  • Surface water, riparian area, and wetland buffers
  • Above stream bank or shoreline structural stabilization projects
  • Around channels, ditches, and swales
  • Around bioretention systems, rain gardens, storm water and sediment detention ponds
  • Around site perimeters where land disturbing/construction activities may occur
  • Prior to structural sediment control barriers
  • LID, Green Infrastructure, or Green Building practices are recommended or required

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Filtrexx® Engineered Soil October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Engineered Soil

Filtrexx® Engineered Soil is a permanent storm water infiltration practice used to reduce site storm water runoff volume and loading of sediment and soluble pollutants; such as nutrients, heavy metals, bacteria, and petroleum hydrocarbons, from a contributing watershed or drainage area.

Filtrexx® Engineered Soil is manufactured on site by incorporating 2-4 in (50-100mm) of Filtrexx® Growing Media™ with native soil and tilling to a depth of 6-12 in (150-300mm) to create a functional soil designed for high infiltration, biofiltration, and plant sustainability.

Filtrexx® Engineered Soils improve infiltration by increasing water absorption (water holding capacity), soil porosity, and soil structure through the incorporation of Filtrexx® Growing Media™.

Storm water runoff volume reduction is closely correlated to reduction of sediment and soluble pollutant loading to receiving waters. Filtrexx® Growing Media™ chemically binds soluble water pollutants such as phosphorus, ammonium-nitrogen, heavy metals, bacteria, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Beneficial microorganisms in Growing Media™ can decompose captured pollutants to less toxic and even beneficial forms, while plant uptake can further reduce captured pollutant concentrations in the engineered soil solution.

Soil amendments used to construct Filtrexx® Engineered Soils can be applied with a pneumatic blower, spreader or similar equipment.

Applications where Filtrexx® Engineered Soils may be used include:

Around bioretention systems and rain gardens

  • Around storm water and sediment retention ponds
  • Parking lot infiltration islands
  • Vegetated (green) roof systems
  • Upslope from storm water receiving areas or conveyance systems, including: channels, ditches, swales, streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands
  • Areas receiving runoff from impervious surfaces, hardscapes, and source pollutant landscapes, including: roads, highways, parking lots, rooftops, and land disturbing activities
  • Projects where LID, Green Infrastructure, or Green Building practices are recommended or required

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Filtrexx® Biofiltration System October 5, 2014

Filtrexx® Biofiltration System

Filtrexx® Biofiltration System is a temporary or permanent water and storm water filtration system used to filter fine sediment and soluble pollutants. This on-site, land based system uses organic FilterMedia™ and vegetation to remove pollutants as a pretreatment system prior to finishing, or as a final treatment system prior to final discharge.

Filtrexx® Biofiltration System combines the benefits of organic matter, humus, vegetation, and proprietary sorbents to clean point and non-point water sources. Filtrexx® sorbents can be used with customizable and easily maintained Filtrexx® Baffles to create a custom design to target specific pollutants in contaminated water and storm water flows.

Filtrexx® Biofiltration System is recommended for:

  • Sediment and storm water pond filtration
  • Organic filtration system
  • Bioretention and Rain Garden pretreatment
  • Polluted agricultural, brownfield, firing range, golf course, lawn runoff
  • Targeted Pollutant Removal
  • Roadway, Parking lot, rooftop storm water treatment
  • Temporary on-site filtration of point source contaminated water.

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